/BCO-DMO/KelpForest/kelp_density --Island eq Nizki-- Level 1

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# Kelp and urchin mean densities from Aleutian habitat surveys 2008-2010
# PI: Brenda Konar
# Co-PI: Matthew Edwards
# Version: 2017-07-24
Island                Latitude     Longitude      
Nizki                 52.752200    173.948717     
Date        Site    Depth    Sea_Urchins    Eualaria_fistulosa    Laminaria_spp  Laminaria_yezoensis    Laminaria_longipes    Agarum_spp  Thalassiophyllum_sp    Cymatherea_triplicata    
20080608    12      20       5.22           0.40                  0.00           0.00                   0.00                  0.00        1.25                   0.00                     
20080608    13      20       27.14          1.85                  0.10           0.00                   0.00                  0.00        0.00                   0.00                     
20080608    13      40       19.20          0.00                  0.00           0.00                   0.00                  0.00        0.00                   0.00                     
20080608    14      20       26.57          0.80                  0.00           0.00                   0.00                  0.00        0.00                   0.00                     
20080608    17      20       8.00           0.00                  0.00           0.00                   0.00                  0.00        0.00                   0.00                     
20080608    18      20       25.00          0.60                  0.00           0.00                   0.00                  0.00        0.00                   0.00                     
20080608    19      20       0.00           0.00                  12.00          0.20                   0.00                  0.00        0.10                   0.00                     
20080608    19      40       9.00           0.00                  0.00           0.00                   0.00                  0.00        0.00                   0.00                     
20080608    22      20       0.05           2.20                  1.65           0.15                   0.00                  0.00        0.00                   1.40